Är Fortnite Nere?

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Realtidsdata och statistik för Fortnite senaste 24h

Fortnite Statushistorik: Översikt över problem de senaste 24 timmarna
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Läs mer om Fortnite

Fortnite är ett populärt och underhållande online-spel som utvecklats av Epic Games. Det är ett battle royale-spel där spelare från hela världen möts och kämpar för att överleva i en virtuell värld. Spelet har en färgglad grafik och erbjuder en unik kombination av överlevnad, byggande och skjutande. Spelaren kan samarbeta med andra spelare eller spela solo och tävla mot 100 andra spelare för att bli den siste överlevande. Fortnite erbjuder också regelbundna uppdateringar och utmaningar som håller spelet fräscht och spännande. Med miljontals spelare runt om i världen finns det alltid något nytt att upptäcka i detta actionfyllda spel.

Däremot är det viktigt att vara medveten om att, precis som med vilken online-tjänst som helst, kan Fortnite uppleva nertid, avbrott eller andra problem som kan påverka dess status. Är du orolig för att Fortnite är nere? Hos Entireweb övervakar och kontrollerar vi ständigt statusen för Fortnite för att säkerställa dess tillförlitlighet. Oavsett om du upplever att Fortnite är nere eller helt enkelt vill hålla dig uppdaterad om dess status, kan du kontrollera med Entireweb när du upplever problem med Fortnite. Håll dig informerad om Fortnite status och upptid, och se till att du alltid är uppdaterad om dess nuvarande status och senaste nertid.

Reddit Posts - Fortnite

Been crashing during like a third of my missions between the last update and today.

Anyone else having this problem? Getting kicked during at least one mission damn near every day that has vbuck alerts up and it's infuriating. Not sure if it matters, but I'm playing on the Xbox Seri...

2024-11-21 00:09:13
Posted by u/TrappedInABoxByMimes in r/FORTnITE
Score: 3 | Comments: 3
  • Since the new season my xbox series X has been crashing as well. I needed to do a reinstall after each update to fix the issue and I might have to do it again after tonight's update. It has been very annoying.
  • It looks like you're reporting a bug. If you haven't provided the information already, please share the following to help Epic Games: What issue happened? What platform are you playing on? What happened prior to seeing the issue? Do you have a link to video/screenshots depicting the issue? *__Reminder__: With the release of next gen consoles, it's important to include which platform you're on* Should there be a need, members of the Epic Games Community Team may reach out to you with additional questions. */r/FORTnITE moderators are unaffiliated with Epic Games, and are in no way associated with the Epic Games Community Team that may reach out to users.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FORTnITE) if you have any questions or concerns.*

Massive Stuttering and FPS Drops on PC

So I have posted about this several times over in the BR sub as well, but it impacts me just as much in STW, and arguably more in STW. Ever since they dropped the Chapter 2 Remix update, I have been h...

2024-11-15 22:40:19
Posted by u/dylanbarney23 in r/FORTnITE
Score: 2 | Comments: 4
  • It looks like you're reporting a bug. If you haven't provided the information already, please share the following to help Epic Games: What issue happened? What platform are you playing on? What happened prior to seeing the issue? Do you have a link to video/screenshots depicting the issue? *__Reminder__: With the release of next gen consoles, it's important to include which platform you're on* Should there be a need, members of the Epic Games Community Team may reach out to you with additional questions. */r/FORTnITE moderators are unaffiliated with Epic Games, and are in no way associated with the Epic Games Community Team that may reach out to users.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FORTnITE) if you have any questions or concerns.*
  • 1: Check your gameusersettings.ini file, If it's over 10kb in size.. it's bloated... delete it 2: With a 3080ti, predominantly you'll get better outcome with running in DX11 mode, epic settings, drop shadows/lighting down 1 or 2 notches... leave everything else epic. set 3d scaling to 100%, set TSR to either DLSS or TAA, do not use dynamic resolution.
  • I’m gonna be real honest with you. I don’t think there’s anything to be done on your end I’ve been experiencing issues for MONTHS without a fix. I’ve done quite a bit of digging, adjusting, researching, rolling back, etc etc. I did the loop with EG support (terrible). I’ve seen people with all sorts of specs having this same problem FN is the only game I own that causes these issues It’s entirely possible Epic fucked up and there’s something not accounted for they haven’t discovered yet. The fact so many people on various systems are now posting about these issues - and increasing in number over time - tells me it’s probably on Epic. Get some rest. Let them figure it out

Why are STW and BR lore so disconnected from each other?

If you really think about it, Battle Royale should take place somewhere after the last Twine Peaks defense. That would mean, that Vindertech tamed the storm to such an extend, that they can just make ...

2024-11-09 20:01:48
Posted by u/TheWidrolo in r/FORTnITE
Score: 14 | Comments: 8
  • The connection became non existent when br exploded in popularity. also the connection with the black hole was just a explanation for why we couldn't play for a while. Also nothing special happened in STW during the black hole event. on the bright side, STW lore is at least more coherent and meaningful than br lore. The seven are dead,Amie fecked off, the syndicate didn't matter, midas keeps being shoehorned, the space vampire and heist got was off screen cube queen was a thing, the nothing did nothing, peely was kidnapped by a whatever the big bad, Greek gods were a thing, Zeus is apparently not dead but it’s not going to matter, the mysterious wanderer was Dr doom all along(not sure why he was a ghost tho), Dr doom got sent to the shadow realm, and the new remix season just kinda happened(not even sure that there is any lore explanation), ect…
  • They're in separate universes canonically BR had very loose connections to STW initially, little more than recycled assets. Implied that it was just training with the bots sending players back to homebase after being downed When BR's popularity blew STW out of the water, they discontinued STW's main story, retconned its link, and created a new ongoing narrative for BR. The BR island is (/was) the center of the multiverse, and it traps people inside a loop to protect itself Most of the characters in BR aren't native to the island and are pulled from various different universes. Jonesy isn't the same Jonesy in BR as he is in STW, the same way Spider-Man from the Sony movies isn't Spider-Man in the MCU