Är Stripe Nere?

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Vårt övervakningssystem kombinerar automatiska kontroller med användarfeedback för att avgöra om Stripe är nere eller upplever problem. Denna metod gör det möjligt för oss att snabbt identifiera om Stripe har tillfälliga problem eller en större driftstörning. Vi samlar in data både automatiskt genom vår SpeedySpider-crawler och via rapporter som skickas in av våra användare.

Realtidsdata och statistik för Stripe senaste 24h

Stripe Statushistorik: Översikt över problem de senaste 24 timmarna
Denna graf illustrerar Stripe's servicestatus under det senaste dygnet och lyfter fram perioder av problem. Den ger användarna insikter om nyliga avbrott och hjälper till att förstå plattformens tillförlitlighet. Genom att övervaka Stripe's statushistorik kan användarna hålla sig informerade om driftstörningar och säkerställa en smidigare upplevelse.

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Läs mer om Stripe

Stripe är en pålitlig betalningstjänst som möjliggör snabba och säkra transaktioner online. Med Stripe kan du enkelt acceptera betalningar från kunder över hela världen, oavsett om det är via kreditkort, banköverföringar eller digitala plånböcker som Apple Pay och Google Pay. Dess användarvänliga gränssnitt och avancerade säkerhetsfunktioner gör det till ett populärt val bland företag och e-handlare. Med Stripe behöver du inte oroa dig för kringgång av betalningar eller dataskyddsproblem, vilket ger dig trygghet och möjlighet att fokusera på din verksamhet. Börja använda Stripe idag och säkra smidiga betalningar för dina kunder och ditt företag.

Däremot är det viktigt att vara medveten om att, precis som med vilken online-tjänst som helst, kan Stripe uppleva nertid, avbrott eller andra problem som kan påverka dess status. Är du orolig för att Stripe är nere? Hos Entireweb övervakar och kontrollerar vi ständigt statusen för Stripe för att säkerställa dess tillförlitlighet. Oavsett om du upplever att Stripe är nere eller helt enkelt vill hålla dig uppdaterad om dess status, kan du kontrollera med Entireweb när du upplever problem med Stripe. Håll dig informerad om Stripe status och upptid, och se till att du alltid är uppdaterad om dess nuvarande status och senaste nertid.

Reddit Posts - Stripe

Can I reopen an account, or start a new one? Other questions...

I originally closed my Stripe account because of the TOS changes. I read the whole document, became confused by it and then closed my account. It seems all the other payment processors, including me...

2024-10-21 19:48:40
Posted by u/NavyCuda in r/stripe
Score: 0 | Comments: 0

"Highest Risk Level" - Massive amount off bocked transaction

Hello, My company uses Stripe. I did an extraction of the “Transactions” module to see the types of payment failures, I noticed that there was an explosion of blockages with the following error ...

2024-10-21 04:36:59
Posted by u/Lucky-Mortgage564 in r/stripe
Score: 3 | Comments: 19
  • Yes change provider, let risky transactions go through, get charge backs from card owners, take the loss for charge back costs and potential ban from new provider due to risk. Really good plan. They have saved you from fraudulent and you see the provider as the problem. If they didn’t block them and you ended up with charge backs still you would blame Stripe. Make your own processor and let all transactions go through or change stripe settings to allow all risk levels. Customers are hard to please.
  • You can disable those rules but card acceptance and conversion is always a trade off: do you think approving those transactions is worth the potential fraud? And if the fraud gets too high, Stripe will happily pass on the fines to you. Changing processors is not trivial. A better alternative is to fine tune your risk rules.
  • If Stripe has labeled a charge high risk and blocked it, then that’s because Stripe has used data from **all** merchants on its platform. So if Stripe has decided it’s high risk, there’s almost a guarantee it *is* risky and would have had a high likelihood of being a fraudulent payment if the charge had been let through.
  • Risk evaluation is always a balancing act, because you're constantly trying to find the sweet spot of blocking real fraud while allowing genuine transactions, and there's not always a nice, clear way of doing that. If Stripe are evaluating the charge at the highest risk level, I'd be fairly certain that they're fraud attempts. The fact that you have a bunch of them over a specific period and virtually none before actually makes it more likely that it's fraud, as they'll burn through card numbers to try and find a working one before the owner notices. Also, bear in mind where Stripe makes their profit; they only take their percentage if the money isn't processed, so it's in their favour to allow as many transactions as they can. If they're getting marked, I'd bet that they are indeed fraudulent. Try finding a handful of logs with that failure code, I'd put money on it being a weird email address or a sketchy IP origin

3DS temporarily required but now "gone". Also. Blocked pauments all time high. Customers calling banks to Ok payment still blocked by stripe. Creating payments for customers is blocked for most customers. Is chargeblast type app gonna prevent this

Ok stripe added 3ds temporarily..but no payments from us or Canada I have even have cards using it. So what was the point? Anyway Charges are now going from failed to blocked. Ok so before it was fa...

2024-10-20 21:55:22
Posted by u/IamABeautifulBird in r/stripe
Score: 1 | Comments: 6
  • I just came in to say cashapp and its parent company square are teh suck. Hope you get your problem with stripe resolved.
  • Stripe mostly does not accept cards issued by cash app due to high dispute rate. Make sure to always request_3d_secure for prepaid cards as the dispute rate is very high.
  • Bro they banned me for having high risk card and all i do is sent invoice to customer and they from their end and still i get banned !