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Realtidsdata och statistik för Vimeo senaste 24h

Vimeo Statushistorik: Översikt över problem de senaste 24 timmarna
Denna graf illustrerar Vimeo's servicestatus under det senaste dygnet och lyfter fram perioder av problem. Den ger användarna insikter om nyliga avbrott och hjälper till att förstå plattformens tillförlitlighet. Genom att övervaka Vimeo's statushistorik kan användarna hålla sig informerade om driftstörningar och säkerställa en smidigare upplevelse.

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Läs mer om Vimeo

Vimeo är en online-plattform som fokuserar på delning och visning av högkvalitativa videor. Det är en idealisk plats för både professionella filmskapare och hobbyister att inspirera och dela sina kreativa verk. Med en användarvänlig design och avancerade verktyg för videoredigering, kan du enkelt ladda upp, organisera och dela dina videor med en global publik. Du kan även få feedback och samarbeta med andra medlemmar i Vimeo-communityn. Oavsett om du är intresserad av film, musik, konst eller underhållning, är Vimeo en plattform som uppmuntrar till kreativitet och kvalitet. Bli en del av Vimeo idag och utforska en värld full av spännande och engagerande videor.

Däremot är det viktigt att vara medveten om att, precis som med vilken online-tjänst som helst, kan Vimeo uppleva nertid, avbrott eller andra problem som kan påverka dess status. Är du orolig för att Vimeo är nere? Hos Entireweb övervakar och kontrollerar vi ständigt statusen för Vimeo för att säkerställa dess tillförlitlighet. Oavsett om du upplever att Vimeo är nere eller helt enkelt vill hålla dig uppdaterad om dess status, kan du kontrollera med Entireweb när du upplever problem med Vimeo. Håll dig informerad om Vimeo status och upptid, och se till att du alltid är uppdaterad om dess nuvarande status och senaste nertid.

Reddit Posts - Vimeo

Is Vimeo dead? (No search etc)

Hi, I’ve not used Vimeo for a few months but noticed for the last few weeks that the search function doesn’t work? I can search my own videos but not site wide? Problem persists on several brows...

2024-05-21 09:55:15
Posted by u/fromotterspace in r/vimeo
Score: 3 | Comments: 5
  • I haven't run into that, using the search toggle to search all of Vimeo works fine for me. If you're having an issue you should reach out to the support team, they'd be able to figure out what's going on.
  • Hello, and welcome to r/Vimeo! This is a subreddit for the Vimeo community, but it is not a support forum. If you are looking for support, please check our Help Center: https://help.vimeo.com/ If you're having trouble finding the answer in the Help Center, use the *Contact Us* link at the top of the page to reach out to the support team directly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vimeo) if you have any questions or concerns.*
  • I think it's just a super shitty product- it's had it's day but the functionality is almost as bad as it's customer service.

Video file links beeing fixed is a dealbreaker

I'm sorry for my little rant but i would like you opinion on this. Given this documentation: https://help.vimeo.com/hc/en-us/articles/12426150952593-Direct-links-to-video-files It States that: &amp...

2024-05-10 10:00:16
Posted by u/Blaxzter in r/vimeo
Score: 2 | Comments: 4
  • Absolutely true. Because of this, I never send direct share links for videos. I enabke downloading, send the video url and password, and then update the password once download has been completed/confirmed. Otherwise, I use Dropbox or Cinesend if i need to send downloads links with an expiration date.
  • Very sorry this has become an issue. That specific sharing method comes with the stated risks, thankfully there are other methods you can use to share download links. It's the last option on the list for that exact reason. I am confirming with product but I am pretty sure the download buttons in Download and Send File screens expire after 5 minutes. ~~24 hours. I know they expire, I am confirming the duration.~~ Click 'Send File', enable downloads, send the link, then disable downloads after your contact has downloaded the file they will not be able to download the file again. For Video File Links there are many customer use cases where access to the actual video file is needed (advertising, integrations, editing, digital signage, 3rd party players, etc.) Vimeo took the step to make that link available with warnings at the top of the page to say that sharing this specific link comes with more risk than the other "sharing link" options within Vimeo. This often is touted as one of the ways Vimeo is friendlier to consumers with very specific use cases for their video business. edit: confirmed with product that the links accessed through download buttons in the UI expire after 5 minutes.

Videos not showing on profile page

So I’m trying to get my videos, made with Vimeo’s create tool, to show on my profile page. They don’t show up as an option to add even though I have them all marked as public. Couldn’t get it ...

2024-05-09 16:01:37
Posted by u/eshe33 in r/vimeo
Score: 1 | Comments: 3
  • I haven't had this problem, but I also don't really have a solution if their support team is saying it's a known issue. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the video is unrated? I know some people have had issues with unrated videos not showing. If rating it doesn't fix it though, not sure. This is a very waffly response and I apologize for that, I'm just not sure but I wanted to at least try to help.
  • 200+ of my profile videos disappeared into thin air. Vimeo gave me the same response. I’m so close to leaving this platform.
  • It seems like there's a known issue with that feature and their support hasn't quite ironed it out yet. I was frustrated with Vimeo and tried other services. I gave Gumlet a shot, and honestly, it's been a breeze. No shade to Vimeo, but Gumlet made the whole process super smooth.