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Weather.com är en pålitlig och användarvänlig online-tjänst som erbjuder realtidsinformation om väderförhållanden över hela världen. Genom att använda den senaste tekniken och tillförlitliga källor ger Weather.com exakta prognoser, väderkartor, stormvarningar och detaljerade information om temperatur, nederbörd och vindförhållanden. Oavsett om du planerar en resa, behöver veta om du behöver en regnjacka, eller bara är nyfiken på vädret på din plats, så är Weather.com det perfekta verktyget för att hålla dig informerad och förberedd. Med deras intuitiva gränssnitt och användbara funktioner är Weather.com den ultimata källan för väderinformation för alla.

Däremot är det viktigt att vara medveten om att, precis som med vilken online-tjänst som helst, kan Weather.com uppleva nertid, avbrott eller andra problem som kan påverka dess status. Är du orolig för att Weather.com är nere? Hos Entireweb övervakar och kontrollerar vi ständigt statusen för Weather.com för att säkerställa dess tillförlitlighet. Oavsett om du upplever att Weather.com är nere eller helt enkelt vill hålla dig uppdaterad om dess status, kan du kontrollera med Entireweb när du upplever problem med Weather.com. Håll dig informerad om Weather.com status och upptid, och se till att du alltid är uppdaterad om dess nuvarande status och senaste nertid.

Reddit Posts - Weather

Humidity question

Disclaimer: I live in Bellingham, WA and we get very rainy falls and winters. Can someone please explain to me how during our most rainy season my hands still manage to get so dry and cracked? I ass...

2024-10-29 17:18:54
Posted by u/pacificnorthbex in r/weather
Score: 0 | Comments: 5
  • There is generally LESS moisture in the air, not more, during your rainy cold season compared to summer. This is because relative humidity depends on temperature. I like to use this example: Which air has more moisture in it? A) A rainy winter day in Bellingham with the air temperature of 38 deg. and a relative humidity of 100%. Or B) A sunny blistering hot summer day in Phoenix Arizona with an air temperature of 110 deg and the relative humidity at 10%. The answer is (B). That air in Phoenix is "wetter"! That is because the dew point in the Bellingham example is 38. But the dew point in the Phoenix example is higher, at 42. Higher dew point means wetter air. The relative humidity (100% vs 10%) is telling you how much moisture there is in the air relative to the amount the air COULD have at that temperature. Warmer air has the capacity to hold more moisture than colder air. So yes, it does come down to it being colder as you said.
  • The air itself carries less moisture even though it is rainy. If you look at dew points you will see it.
  • A lot of times it isn’t just the humidity outside, but what happens to that air when it is warmed up inside and RH drops. So as the heater in your house runs, it takes cold humid air with not much absolute humidity, and warms it up lowering the relative humidity resulting in a dry and toasty inside. 
  • You may have a skin condition. You might consider consulting a dermatologist.

Daily Barometric Pressure Fluctuations and Sinus health - how to find relevant data source?

Hi There I moved to North America from middle east around 8 years ago, since then I have a problem with my sinuses. But 2 and a half years ago, I moved from PNW to Irvine, CA and things got re...

2024-10-29 01:44:34
Posted by u/painfulkidofmideast in r/weather
Score: 2 | Comments: 4
  • I usually see this on [https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap](https://www.wunderground.com/wundermap) If you zoom in on your location, you can find a few nearby personal weather stations, many of which have air pressure graphs on them. You should know that these are not necessarily calibrated, so the specific numbers from different stations may vary. However, the trends across stations (increasing pressure/decreasing pressure) might give you the data you're looking for.
  • Have you ruled out allergies? I currently live in the Pac NW and have lived in NorCal and SoCal for long periods in the past. My allergies were by far the worst in SoCal and often caused sinus problems. The wind may be a factor because it is blowing pollen or other allergens into your area.

Weird, but Important Question

Disclaimer: This post/question isn't meant to be inflammatory, accusative, or political. Sorry in advance for the long post. So just to start, I am a 22 yo black guy who lives in Western New York. I ...

2024-10-28 13:30:45
Posted by u/JosephistheKing in r/weather
Score: 38 | Comments: 10
  • [raderat]
  • Person already said what should be said. I hope you go far!