Är Nextdoor Nere?

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Vårt övervakningssystem kombinerar automatiska kontroller med användarfeedback för att avgöra om Nextdoor är nere eller upplever problem. Denna metod gör det möjligt för oss att snabbt identifiera om Nextdoor har tillfälliga problem eller en större driftstörning. Vi samlar in data både automatiskt genom vår SpeedySpider-crawler och via rapporter som skickas in av våra användare.

Realtidsdata och statistik för Nextdoor senaste 24h

Nextdoor Statushistorik: Översikt över problem de senaste 24 timmarna
Denna graf illustrerar Nextdoor's servicestatus under det senaste dygnet och lyfter fram perioder av problem. Den ger användarna insikter om nyliga avbrott och hjälper till att förstå plattformens tillförlitlighet. Genom att övervaka Nextdoor's statushistorik kan användarna hålla sig informerade om driftstörningar och säkerställa en smidigare upplevelse.

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Läs mer om Nextdoor

Nextdoor är en online plattform som ansluter grannar för att skapa en starkare och säkrare gemenskap i deras närområde. Genom att använda Nextdoor kan du enkelt få kontakt med dina grannar, utbyta information och resurser, och samarbeta för att lösa gemensamma problem. Det är också ett sätt att upptäcka och delta i lokala händelser och aktiviteter. Nextdoor erbjuder en trygg och privat miljö där endast verifierade medlemmar har tillgång till kommunikationen inom ditt närområde. Det är den perfekta plattformen för att bygga en starkare grannsammansättning och främja lokal gemenskap.

Däremot är det viktigt att vara medveten om att, precis som med vilken online-tjänst som helst, kan Nextdoor uppleva nertid, avbrott eller andra problem som kan påverka dess status. Är du orolig för att Nextdoor är nere? Hos Entireweb övervakar och kontrollerar vi ständigt statusen för Nextdoor för att säkerställa dess tillförlitlighet. Oavsett om du upplever att Nextdoor är nere eller helt enkelt vill hålla dig uppdaterad om dess status, kan du kontrollera med Entireweb när du upplever problem med Nextdoor. Håll dig informerad om Nextdoor status och upptid, och se till att du alltid är uppdaterad om dess nuvarande status och senaste nertid.

Reddit Posts - Nextdoor

Score: 4 | Comments: 5
  • Ask them if you give them a blank withdrawal slip from your bank, would they be able to access your savings? Of course not because the slip would still need your actual banking information. Even if we have every undocumented immigrant a registration form they would not be able to register.
  • Ffs
  • Wow. Idaho is getting cray but it’s not THAT crazy. Yet.
  • Well, at least the comments are majority sane responses. We gotta search for the truth and the silver lining wherever we can. 💙💙
  • Text of the original moderator post below ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Illegals in Alabama are now getting provided voter registration forms when they sign up for food and medical assistance!?? This is ridiculous! Write Your Representatives People! This is crap! Every "Illegal" vote VOIDS YOUR VOTE! If you don't do anything about it, you deserve what you get. I don't intend to stay in Alabama, but your state is about to be overrun by illegals voting for Biden so they can get free stuff that YOU get to pay for. You pay for them to get assistance, and then you'll pay at the ballot box because these people you're already supporting have just as many rights as you do now, and they all love freebies! I come from Colorado where this very situation caused a Red state to turn Blue, and Look at it now. I won't even visit there because there is squaller everywhere and money meant for citizens is going to illegals and the schools went from being top of the list to failing more than 50%. It's sad, and it's going to happen here. When it does, we will sell our homes here and move to Florida, but I am still writing my representatives to let them know how wrong this is!

App forces updates from far away towns. No way to opt out.

I can opt in/out from a list of nearby neighborhoods. But cannot get other towns out of my feed. Anyone else have this problem. I only want very hyper local posts. Not junk from random towns.

2024-06-14 19:50:23
Posted by u/heynow941 in r/nextdoor
Score: 2 | Comments: 7
  • I’ve tried that in the past too, but I don’t believe there is or I haven’t figured out a way and I believe they won’t let you because the more people they can prove they have in certain areas it keeps the advertising money coming in. That’s my take.
  • This used to be setting in your account preferences called "Beyond Nearby" that showed posts from people out of your state, sometimes as far as the other side of the country. You used to be able to disable it but recently they moved it out of the account settings and it can no longer be disabled. I think it's been integrated into the newsfeed directly using the sort buttons as the top, the "For You" button is the one that shows everything, both local and non-local/far away.
  • In Michigan. Get California and Arizona crap all the time. No setting fixes this.
  • If there are no posts close to you, Nextdoor opens up the range and shows you things from farther away. They aren’t going to have you open a blank page. That wouldn’t be a good business model.

Anyone else noticing sorting changes to the newsfeed in web browsers recently?

I mostly use the mobile app but I occasionally use my desktop some evenings and noticed today my newsfeed has new sorting options. Below the search field are buttons "For You," "Latest,...

2024-06-11 01:04:52
Posted by u/JoeJoe-a-GoGo in r/nextdoor
Score: 0 | Comments: 4
  • Yes, I have noticed the same thing. The folks at ND are constantly changing the way the app works. They’ve also been haphazardly changing community guidelines. The whole ND experience should be used for entertainment purposes only
  • It's the enshitification of Nextdoor. Apparently it wasn't shitty enough.
  • Today I received an update to Nextdoor and the newfeed sorting has been restored to its previous way, yay!