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"CNN, eller Cable News Network, är en internationell nyhetskanal som grundades 1980. Med en stark närvaro över hela världen levererar CNN dagliga nyhetsrapporter, analyser och exklusiva intervjuer från olika hörn av världen. Med sin slogan "Först i nyheterna, bäst på plats" strävar CNN efter att ge objektiv och opartisk rapportering av aktuella händelser. Med en bred målgrupp och ett stort utbud av nyhetsområden, inklusive politik, ekonomi, underhållning och sport, är CNN en pålitlig källa för de senaste globala nyheterna och perspektiven."

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Reddit Posts - Cnn

Question about conman-supporters: what's wrong with their brain?

Talking about people like jennings, and other simpletons and fools you see on CNN - they clearly have mental problems. But I'm not a psychologist, so wondering what it is, exactly. I can think of a fe...

2024-11-08 15:55:22
Posted by u/Flohpange in r/cnn
Score: 12 | Comments: 16
  • In a couple of years when inflation is through the roof because of tarrifs, when social security and medicare have been gutted because there are no taxes to fund them with, when the entire economy is struggling because millions of people who now contribute to the workforce have been deported and no one wants the low-paying jobs left unfilled, when there is no more free media or free speech, when we have an unprecedented number of health crises because our health care is now dictated by an anti-vax, anti-science lunatic with literally half a brain because the other half was eaten by a worm, when the US, Putin, and Kim form an alliance, when Ukraine ceases to exist, when millions have lost their health insurance and cannot be insured because of pre-existing conditions, etc... trump will somehow manage to convince the gullible idiots who voted him into office again that things are actually going beautifully and any problems are all Biden's fault. The principles this country was founded on no longer exist. Felon won the popular vote, which means that the majority no longer believe in our democratic republic and instead favor an authoritarian dictatorship. This is who "we" are. The new America. The experiment is over and it was a failure. I'm sad that it happened in my lifetime and I was here to see the downfall of a once great nation. The system designed by our founders was so fragile that a charismatic con man turned himself into a cult leader, built a cult of millions, and destroyed the country to suit his own desires and save himself from prison. So, to answer your question directly, the people you are talking about are nothing more than brainwashed cult followers no different than the Manson girls. I mean, how stupid can someone be when trump's own "economic czar" tells them straight out that trump's economic plan will literally crash the economy, then they turn around and still vote for him because they think he's going to be great for the economy, despite trump's own campaign literally telling them that trump will crash the economy? MAGA is nothing more than a cult of 71 million people who have been brainwashed into voting against their own best interests.
  • Just stopped by to say, Why do you think so many of us stopped watching CNN as of last Summer? It's clear, especially after that debacle they called a "debate" between Biden & trump (wasn't a debate at all, it was a carefully orchestrated hatchet job on Biden), that they're as fucked up as the asshole they just put in the WH. CNN sucks monkey balls.
  • I too wonder what his supporters will think in the future. I suspect they will gasp, act shocked and con themselves into believing he must have changed as he was never like this before. Or, the Democratic Party left such a mess for him, that despite his superhuman capabilities, he was not able to overcome the disaster they left for him.
  • “It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” \- (maybe) Mark Twain
  • It’s gotta be money, I believe that’s what drives Jennings-he’s awful!!

Abby Phillip show -what the heck?

I’ve heard at least 10 times tonight, what Kamala Harris’ problem is. What Kamala needs to do is. Joe Biden lost the election for her with the garbage comment. Blah blah blah. This el...

2024-10-31 02:36:15
Posted by u/Massive_Luck_9771 in r/cnn
Score: 24 | Comments: 14
  • Politics girl is the only defender of Kamala nightly. She has a hard fight and then she always looks like the angry one. Well, I’d be angry too if I had to hear some of the rhetoric being spewed on the show. I’m starting to dislike Abby Phillip’s show more and more.
  • I’m over it. All the right wingers act like he’s some child whose blameless for his antics but she’s an adult who should know better
  • she's had to be perfect and her opponent is psychotic
  • Trump and his MAGAs have no right to even twitch an eyebrow over Biden's comment after trump's history of spewing vile insults and rhetoric at anyone and everyone he doesn't like. He has called the entire country garbage and calls his political opponents marxists, fascists, communists, devils, scum, vermin, literally every single day. What's wrong MAGAs? Can dish it out but suddenly you turn into snowflakes when someone dishes it back at you?

What’s Up With Tapper and Bash?

So yesterday morning, during Jake Tapper’s Sunday show, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was asked about a quote given by Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. Michigan AG Dana Nessel has been ver...

2024-09-23 21:34:57
Posted by u/yachtrockluvr77 in r/cnn
Score: 34 | Comments: 38
  • Tapper and Bash are completely unwatchable these days. It's a joke that they were given the role of moderators during the debate.
  • Personally, I’m glad someone is finally calling Tlaib out on her thinly veiled antisemitism. The Michigan Democratic Party usually walks on eggshells instead of calling her out on it.