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Airbnb är en online-plattform som hjälper människor att hyra ut sina bostäder, rum eller boenden till resenärer från hela världen. Genom Airbnb kan du hitta unika och prisvärda boenden som bättre matchar dina behov och preferenser än traditionella hotell. Oavsett om du letar efter en lägenhet, ett hus eller bara ett rum för en natt eller längre vistelse, så finns det enkla och trygga alternativ på Airbnb. Du kan också tjäna lite extra pengar genom att hyra ut din egen bostad när du inte använder den. Airbnb erbjuder en enkel och bekväm lösning för både resenärer och värdar världen över.

Däremot är det viktigt att vara medveten om att, precis som med vilken online-tjänst som helst, kan Airbnb uppleva nertid, avbrott eller andra problem som kan påverka dess status. Är du orolig för att Airbnb är nere? Hos Entireweb övervakar och kontrollerar vi ständigt statusen för Airbnb för att säkerställa dess tillförlitlighet. Oavsett om du upplever att Airbnb är nere eller helt enkelt vill hålla dig uppdaterad om dess status, kan du kontrollera med Entireweb när du upplever problem med Airbnb. Håll dig informerad om Airbnb status och upptid, och se till att du alltid är uppdaterad om dess nuvarande status och senaste nertid.

Reddit Posts - Airbnb

Do I do anything about a luxury stay that shorted out the electricity on half the luxury? [USA]

It was clear that this was a property being shoved into becoming a money maker by a group of investors and distanced robotic guest services. We weren’t the first to stay in this relatively new mount...

2024-11-22 02:47:51
Posted by u/whypushmyboundaries in r/AirBnB
Score: 3 | Comments: 8
  • Please keep conversation civil and respectful Remember to keep all communication with host/guest through Airbnb platform. Payments should be made only via Airbnb [unless otherwise detailed in the listing description](https://airbnb.com/help/article/199) If you're having issues, contact Airbnb by phone +1-844-234-2500 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AirBnB) if you have any questions or concerns.*
  • You say you're sure Airbnb won't do anything, but have you contacted them? Maybe try to see if they can get in contact with the host? It would have been best to contact Airbnb the very first night when things weren't working. And you left early but still didn't contact Airbnb?
  • You should be able to get 20-30% off for that blend of problems. FWIW, it's irrelevant that other places cost $150. ABB won't really care about that. What's relevant is that it wasn't fit for habitation (power) and major amenities was broken (hot tub/dryer).
  • Sounds like one phase was down. When you lose one phase you have partial power. The electrical provider would have to make the repairs. We had this happen two years ago, a transformer was failing and 5 homes only had partial power. The issue should have been reported to both Airbnb and the hosts as soon as it was noticed.

Shared bathroom nightmare, I became the cleaning lady [USA]

[Please be advised I discuss topics of hygiene and some may be a bit graphic!] Rented a room in a house with a shared bathroom with one other room. The other room has had only short-term rentals (1-3...

2024-11-20 21:48:56
Posted by u/LogBulky7932 in r/AirBnB
Score: 16 | Comments: 11
  • Please keep conversation civil and respectful Remember to keep all communication with host/guest through Airbnb platform. Payments should be made only via Airbnb [unless otherwise detailed in the listing description](https://airbnb.com/help/article/199) If you're having issues, contact Airbnb by phone +1-844-234-2500 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AirBnB) if you have any questions or concerns.*
  • Absolutely, if shared accommodation, the cleaning crew should come through the bathrooms and toilets daily. This is what is expected and happens in camp grounds, so the minimum should be the same for multiple groups who don't know each other. This is what you should base your review on, not the unsanitary or thoughtless other guests, as this is the type of risk associated with the accommodation you have chosen to stay in. I rent a room in my home and don't share the bathroom. Therefore, I don't clean the bathroom daily for them. I check that there is enough toilet paper that's it. But if it was shared with other guests or family members I would do a basic vacuum of hair and wipe of sink, brush toilet stains.
  • How about talking to other parties about taking turns cleaning the bathroom ? It's not acceptable that it's just you doing it. Also, the cleaning lady needs to actually clean

Partial refund? What can I expect from my multiple [PHP] [UK]

So going through a break up with a cheating partner just a month before a 3week holiday with multiple accommodations booked in the Philippines. I am based in the UK I am realising that by cancelli...

2024-11-20 19:25:38
Posted by u/Foydem in r/AirBnB
Score: 4 | Comments: 8
  • Please keep conversation civil and respectful Remember to keep all communication with host/guest through Airbnb platform. Payments should be made only via Airbnb [unless otherwise detailed in the listing description](https://airbnb.com/help/article/199) If you're having issues, contact Airbnb by phone +1-844-234-2500 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AirBnB) if you have any questions or concerns.*
  • Cx policies are set by each host in compliance with Airbnb site protocols. Some hosts may something beyond policy assuming other factors.
  • Check your details on your reservation the cancellation at the time of booking is what the host and Airbnb follows. If you are unsure ask the host or call support.
  • Need to check your specific reservation to answer that question. I don't know that sympathy is going to be there. If you search this page you see tons of people with good excuses on why they can't use the reservation. One might say, in fact, too many people with good excuses. So if I were you, I would walk in expecting the host to have been jaded by a perception of false stories. If they are not sympathetic, that's probably why. If they are, then great!
  • Each property is different. Your reservation will show the cancellation policy.