Le service <?php echo Yelp; ?> est-il en panne ?

Le statut actuel de Yelp est OPERATIONNEL

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Comment ça fonctionne ?

Notre système de surveillance combine des vérifications automatisées avec les retours des utilisateurs pour déterminer si Yelp est en panne ou rencontre des problèmes. Nous recueillons des données à la fois grâce à notre robot SpeedySpider et aux rapports soumis par les utilisateurs, ce qui nous permet de détecter rapidement les problèmes temporaires ou les pannes majeures. Restez informé sur l'état de Yelp, que ce soit une petite panne ou une interruption de service importante.

Statistiques de temps d'arrêt en temps réel pour Yelp au cours des dernières 24 heures

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Historique du statut de Yelp : Aperçu des pannes des dernières 24 heures
Ce graphique illustre le statut du service de Yelp au cours de la journée écoulée, mettant en évidence les périodes de panne. Il offre aux utilisateurs des informations sur les interruptions récentes, ce qui permet de mieux comprendre la fiabilité de la plateforme. Suivre l'historique du statut de Yelp permet aux utilisateurs de rester informés des interruptions de service, garantissant une expérience de consultation plus fluide.

Carte des pannes en direct

Liens officiels pour Yelp

Visit: Lien officiel à venir bientôt

Visiter : Yelp sur Twitter

Visiter: Lien disponible bientôt

Rapports des utilisateurs

Dernières 24 heures

2 reports

Derniers rapports

March 17th, 2025

Emplacement manquant

March 17th, 2025

United States

Discutez de l'état actuel de Yelp

Lisez-en plus sur Yelp

Yelp est un service en ligne qui permet de trouver et de partager des avis sur des entreprises locales. Grâce à son réseau de membres actifs, Yelp vous aide à découvrir les meilleurs restaurants, boutiques, services et bien plus encore dans votre ville. Que vous recherchiez un endroit pour dîner en amoureux, une entreprise de réparation fiable ou un coiffeur expérimenté, vous trouverez toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin sur Yelp. Avec des critiques authentiques et des photos prises par les utilisateurs, vous pouvez faire confiance aux recommandations de la communauté pour choisir les meilleurs endroits à visiter. Mais Yelp va au-delà de la simple découverte d'entreprises locales. Vous pouvez également réserver une table dans un restaurant, prendre rendez-vous pour un service ou même commander de la nourriture en ligne directement depuis l'application. Avec Yelp, vous avez toutes les informations et les outils nécessaires pour profiter pleinement de votre ville et de ses merveilleux commerces. Alors n'hésitez plus, rejoignez la communauté Yelp dès aujourd'hui !

Cependant, il est important de savoir que, comme tout service en ligne, Yelp peut rencontrer des périodes d'indisponibilité, des pannes ou d'autres problèmes pouvant affecter son statut. Êtes-vous préoccupé par une possible panne de Yelp ? Chez Entireweb, nous surveillons et vérifions constamment le statut de Yelp, garantissant ainsi sa fiabilité. Que vous rencontriez des problèmes avec Yelp ou que vous souhaitiez simplement rester informé de son statut, vous pouvez consulter Entireweb en cas de problème avec Yelp. Restez informé du statut de Yelp et de sa disponibilité, et assurez-vous de toujours être à jour sur son statut actuel et ses dernières pannes.

FAQ - Yelp
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Publications Reddit - Yelp

Business Owners: What’s Your Biggest Challenge with Leads &amp; Customer Bookings?

Hey everyone, For those of you running a business, what’s the biggest struggle when it comes to getting and managing leads? * Do you get a lot of inquiries but struggle to turn them into actual cu...

2025-03-02 23:56:32
Publié par u/Professional_Carob62 dans r/Yelp
Score: 0 | Commentaires: 6
  • I’m new to Yelp Biz, I’m throwing a ton of money at it and I am receiving a lot of leads, 20+ most days. However the vast majority of them have no pictures or history and do not even read my personalized rapid responses. The few that do have a picture do read but not converting anyone yet. I’ll keep trying but Google gets me calls and appointments everyday.
  • I am in waste management and have been with Yelp for some time and am at the end of my rope. Leads come in daily but seem to all be ghost leads. I reply within 15 to 30 minutes with mostly no replies. All the leads that come in are from users who have no pictures or history under their profile. But if I get a review from a user with same status the review goes into Unrecommended. I spend time on my profile, active profile with pictures. I get shoppers attention but with the option of user being able to send message to multiple service providers at the same time , it benefits manly yelp with being able to charge all these 3 to 5 companies for that single lead and customers just price hunt I guess. Yelp has no problem with using up my 1k+ budget every month, the leads are coming in but just aren’t quality. I am competitively priced and the yelp representatives know nothing about the leads or the algorithm used on reviews on what shows or doesn’t.

Why you should always hang up when Yelp come calling

I saw a post recently about another business owner getting harassed by Yelp. A close friend of mine used to work there. Here's why you should always hang up and don't waste any time with them. Others...

2024-12-24 06:50:03
Publié par u/Early-Discipline90 dans r/Yelp
Score: 16 | Commentaires: 9
  • One of my friends worked for them as a rep over this past summer. She lasted maybe 4 months before quitting. She basically told me everything you said in your post.
  • If there was ever a post that needed a TL/DR, this is it!
  • Lol This sounds like every call center company ever. In every call center, there’s coaches or managers listening in. It’s normal practice. Nothing new. But I can see you didn’t enjoy your time at Yelp. Hope you found a job you like.
  • So I just decided to run this through gpt instead of reading it cause.. that is a giant text wall, is this what you are getting at? "I saw a post recently about another business owner getting harassed by Yelp. A close friend of mine used to work there. Here's why you should always hang up and not waste any time with them: 1. **Others are secretly listening in** You'll hear a message: "This call is monitored and recorded." We've all heard this before, but it means calls are recorded after 30 seconds, and others are listening in. Often, the sales manager of the rep calling you will be silently listening, giving the rep instructions on what to say.Sometimes managers scream at reps to stick to the script, push you to log into your account, provide your credit card, or overcome your objections (e.g., "I'm busy," "no budget," "not interested," or "I hate Yelp"). If the call lasts over 3 minutes and they get you to use a computer ("HTC" = head to computer), chances are a manager is secretly "barging" in.Signs of this include:Alternatively, managers may communicate over Google Chat, making the conversation sound more natural. Even if you rant about your frustrations with Yelp, management won’t hear it unless the rep sends the call recording to their manager. * A sudden shift in tone or pace. * Nervousness, weird pauses, or connection issues (the manager is yelling at them). * The rep repeating what the manager is telling them. 2. **AI tools and objection handling** Next year, Yelp will roll out AI tools in Salesforce that suggest responses to your objections ("I'm busy, call me back," "not interested," etc.). Reps already have memorized scripts and documents with answers to common objections, so almost nothing you say is new to them. These tools will help them manipulate you into buying ads or upgrades. 3. **Persistent calling tactics** If you don’t pick up or hang up several times, the rep will pass your account to another team member with a new number, often from area codes like 212 (NYC), 312 (Chicago), or Phoenix, AZ. If you tell them to stop calling but don’t identify yourself as the business owner/decision-maker, they’ll likely ignore the request and pass your info to another clueless rep. 4. **Empty promises** Reps promise to "help you build your page" if you sign up. While some may genuinely want to, the job’s demands (100+ daily dials) mean they’ll quickly walk you through a few features and move on. Setting everything up takes 30-60 minutes, which most don’t have. 5. **Yelp's brutal work culture**Despite this, reps start with a starvation wage of $37,000/year and earn \~$300-400 per sale only after hitting 4+ deals. Meanwhile, business owners pay \~$570/month for ads and get bombarded with spam calls and impersonators due to Yelp’s data scraping issues. * Reps make 140-180 calls daily, tracked hourly for total dials, emails, and 3+ minute calls. * If they miss quotas, they’re yelled at and gaslit with phrases like, "You’re costing the business money!" * Morning meetings, especially on the last day of the month, involve emotional manipulation where reps share personal struggles to motivate each other. 6. **Unaddressed problems** Yelp hasn’t addressed issues like robo-calls or clunky app design but is investing heavily in AI tools to manipulate sales."
  • accurate but long. used ttsreader to read this to me

Removed page entirely

My yelp page was removed entirely after emailing support asking why 80% of my LEGIT reviews were nor recommended. I'm a new business and reviews are important. So far my experience with them has been ...

2024-12-16 21:41:41
Publié par u/Strange-Plankton-292 dans r/Yelp
Score: 6 | Commentaires: 12
  • Are you asking customers to leave a review? If they open an account solely to review you, the algorithms will flag them.
  • Have people review you on Google.
  • Paying for ads still had my reviews removed ...🤯🤯
  • Google reviews. FB reviews. Your own website with customer testimonials and references.
  • That’s exactly how it works. Pay and they will be recommended