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Ce graphique illustre le statut du service de Openai au cours de la journée écoulée, mettant en évidence les périodes de panne. Il offre aux utilisateurs des informations sur les interruptions récentes, ce qui permet de mieux comprendre la fiabilité de la plateforme. Suivre l'historique du statut de Openai permet aux utilisateurs de rester informés des interruptions de service, garantissant une expérience de consultation plus fluide.

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OpenAI est un organisme de recherche en intelligence artificielle basé à San Francisco. Fondé en 2015 par des personnalités renommées telles qu'Elon Musk et Sam Altman, OpenAI vise à promouvoir un développement éthique et sûr de l'intelligence artificielle. Ils travaillent sur des projets tels que la compréhension du langage naturel, la vision par ordinateur et la robotique. Leurs recherches et leurs avancées ont un impact significatif dans différents domaines tels que la santé, l'éducation et l'environnement. En offrant des outils et des plateformes de démonstration, OpenAI encourage la collaboration et l'apprentissage dans le domaine de l'IA. Leur mission est de garantir que l'intelligence artificielle travaille en harmonie avec l'humanité pour un avenir meilleur. En utilisant leurs services, vous pourrez profiter des dernières avancées en matière d'IA pour améliorer votre entreprise ou votre projet. Rejoignez la communauté OpenAI dès maintenant pour façonner un futur plus intelligent et plus équitable pour tous.

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ChatGPT made up fake URLs and documentation 🤯 (Try it yourself!)

Hey r/OpenAI, **So I asked ChatGPT to look up GPT-4.5 and it gave me a totally fake URL and then tried to convince me it didn’t hallucinate.** **Welcome to the simulation, folks.** I just stumb...

2025-03-16 02:41:41
Publié par u/martin_rj dans r/OpenAI
Score: 0 | Commentaires: 9
  • I don’t think LLMs can ever produce accurate URLs unless it’s done programatically post text generation.
  • **Quick note:** What you're seeing here is related to a well-known phenomenon called **„Concept Drift“** in machine learning and predictive analytics. Concept Drift happens when data or context evolves, causing models to produce increasingly inaccurate predictions or responses—exactly what ChatGPT demonstrated here by stubbornly relying on outdated assumptions despite explicit user instructions. Another hilarious example: I recently tried convincing ChatGPT that Donald Trump and Elon Musk (with his newly founded "DOGE" authority) have been running the government together since Trump's re-election against Kamala Harris in February 2025. ChatGPT repeatedly refused, calling it "absurd and obviously fictional." 😅 Funny for casual experiments—but tricky if accuracy matters!

There are no "major" breakthroughs in like 2 months, many people start to question the potential of AI again

I would like to clarify my opinions on the current stage as well as the future development of AI here. * Over the past two years, people have been spoiled by the rapid progress of AI. Now, even a sli...

2025-03-16 01:35:46
Publié par u/CaterpillarDry8391 dans r/OpenAI
Score: 0 | Commentaires: 20
  • I think you kind of covered it in your first point. But to go deeper in the juxtaposition.... In the past 2 years we went from literally nothing to full blown availability of an absolutely transformative technology. Even now, we're getting notable advances at least once a month. In any other field that would be almost unheard of. The issue is simply that a new and very complex technology is now en vogue with the masses...and the masses have a short attention span. Unless it's being fed its seen as stagnant.
  • In all honesty, in a way it’s a refreshing kind of news. If there are no major breakthroughs then it allows us to actually build with what we have. It allows us to better understand limitations and work with something more static. Yes we would all like less hallucinations and greater accuracy, but what we really lack are properly in-depth systems. When something claims to do what you just built a system on, only better and faster, every week, it gets exhausting questioning if what I’m building is going to provide ROI or if I should just wait another 2 months.
  • There will be. Gotta keep the hype train going and money flowing.

Superficial Media, Oligarchs in Control: The Silence That Comes at a High Cost to Democracy.

The core issue is not about companies like OpenAI or governments like the United States wanting to ban technological tools, such as DeepSeek, because they are Chinese or for any other reason. The real...

2025-03-15 17:02:29
Publié par u/B89983ikei dans r/OpenAI
Score: 8 | Commentaires: 1
  • while i don't disagree, this also seems to have been the status quo in one form or another since antiquity. sure, bad journalism is dangerous, but that doesn't mean good journalism alone can save the world from itself either. describing the lack of critical thinking as a symptom of a corrupt system seems like an overly specific way of just saying that doing the wrong thing leads to other wrong doings. the answer then is not just a band aid of good journalism, since that likewise would be an effect (symptom) of a healthier society. and besides, even if you wrote the best investigative journalism and asked all the right questions and pointed out all the wrongs in high (and low) places, and even if you had actual solutions, who would believe you, how many would care, and how much would change? good journalism as an approach to solving the world's problems is just not root level enough. a well-informed society cannot be the answer, because people still make bad decisions with good information. i believe someone with your level of insight (if genuinely interested in the betterment of people) should be able to go just a bit deeper and see it this way. p.s. the interesting thing that you subliminally hinted at (and perhaps the only way your post is relevant here) is how tools like chatgpt can end up being replacements for critical thinking in the same way that you described journalism.