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0 reports is a free stock photography and royalty-free stock media website. It is used for sharing photos, illustrations, vector graphics, film footage, music and sound effects, exclusively under the custom Pixabay license, which generally allows the free use of the material with some restrictions.
However, it's crucial to be aware of that, like any online service, Pixabay might experience downtime, outages, or other issues that could impact its status. Are you concerned about Pixabay being down? At Entireweb, we constantly monitor and check the status of Pixabay, ensuring its reliability. Whether you're experiencing Pixabay down or simply want to stay updated on its status, you can check with Entireweb when experiencing problems with Pixabay. Stay informed about Pixabay status and its uptime, and make sure you're always updated of its current status and latest downtime.
The service provides a platform for users to access high-quality images and videos for personal or commercial use.
No, attribution is not required for any of the media available on this service. However, giving credit to the creator is always appreciated.
No, the service is completely free to use for both personal and commercial purposes. However, donations to support the platform are always welcome.