Kidshealth FAQ

Here we have gathered the most common questions about Kidshealth.

Hopefully the answer to your question is here.

Common FAQ for Kidshealth

  • What is kidshealth?

    Kidshealth is a website that provides reliable and age-appropriate health information for kids, teens, and parents.

  • What should I do if I can't find the information I need on kidshealth?

    You can try using the search bar on the website to look for specific topics. If you still can't find what you need, you can ask your parents or a trusted adult to help you find reliable sources of information.

  • Why should I use kidshealth instead of just searching for health information online?

    Kidshealth is specifically designed for kids and teens, so the information is written in an easy-to-understand language that is appropriate for your age. It is also reviewed by medical professionals to ensure accuracy and reliability.

  • How can I access kidshealth?

    You can access kidshealth through its website at or through its app, which is available for download on the App Store and Google Play.

  • Is it safe to use kidshealth?

    Yes, kidshealth is a safe and reliable source of health information for kids and teens. The website is certified by the Health On the Net Foundation, which ensures that the information provided is trustworthy and credible.

  • Can I trust the information on kidshealth?

    Yes, all the information on kidshealth is reviewed by medical professionals and is regularly updated to ensure accuracy and reliability.

  • What topics are covered on kidshealth?

    Kidshealth covers a wide range of topics related to health and well-being, including mental health, nutrition, exercise, and common illnesses and conditions.

  • Can I use kidshealth to diagnose my own health problems?

    No, kidshealth is not a diagnostic tool, and you should always consult a doctor or healthcare professional for medical advice and diagnosis.

  • Can I submit my own health questions to kidshealth?

    Yes, kidshealth has a "Ask Us" feature where you can submit your own health questions. However, it may take some time for your question to be answered, and if it is an emergency, you should seek immediate medical attention.

  • How can I tell if the information on kidshealth is written by healthcare professionals?

    All articles on kidshealth are written, reviewed, and approved by medical professionals, and their names and credentials are listed at the end of each article.

  • Can I share information from kidshealth with my friends?

    Yes, you can share information from kidshealth with your friends, but you should always make sure to check with an adult if the information is appropriate and accurate.

  • What should I do if I see a mistake or outdated information on kidshealth?

    You can use the "Feedback" button on the website to report any mistakes or outdated information. The kidshealth team will review and make the necessary updates.

  • How can I protect my privacy when using kidshealth?

    Kidshealth takes privacy very seriously and does not collect any personal information from users. However, it is always a good idea to ask your parents or a trusted adult before providing any personal information online.

  • Why do I sometimes see ads on kidshealth?

    Kidshealth is a non-profit organization and relies on advertisements to keep the website running. However, all ads on kidshealth are approved by the Health on the Net Foundation and are screened for appropriateness.

  • What should I do if I see an inappropriate ad on kidshealth?

    You can use the "Feedback" button to report any inappropriate ads, and the kidshealth team will take action to remove them.

  • What if I have a question about my own health that I'm embarrassed to ask?

    Many kids and teens feel embarrassed or uncomfortable asking questions about their health. You can try writing your question down and showing it to your doctor or a trusted adult, or submit it anonymously to kidshealth's "Ask Us" feature.

  • I saw a scary health-related news story online. How can I find out if it's true?

    It's important to be critical of news stories you see online and always verify their accuracy. You can ask your parents or a trusted adult to help you find reliable sources, such as kidshealth and other reputable medical websites, to confirm the information.

  • What should I do if I'm being cyberbullied or harassed on kidshealth?

    Cyberbullying and harassment are serious issues, and you should always tell a trusted adult if you're experiencing them. You can also use the "Feedback" button to report any instances of cyberbullying or harassment on kidshealth.

  • Why do I sometimes see comments from other users on kidshealth articles?

    Kidshealth allows users to comment on articles, and these comments are moderated to ensure they are appropriate and respectful. If you see any comments that are rude or contain inappropriate content, you can report them using the "Feedback" button.

  • Can I use kidshealth to get medical advice for my friends or family members?

    No, kidshealth is not a substitute for medical advice, and you should always consult a doctor or healthcare professional for specific medical concerns for yourself or others.

  • Can I use kidshealth in other languages?

    Yes, kidshealth is also available in Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic. You can switch to these languages by using the dropdown menu at the top of the website.

  • How can I stay safe when using the internet for health-related purposes?

    It's important to always be cautious when using the internet, especially when looking for health information. Make sure to use reputable sources, share personal information only with trusted adults, and report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior.

  • Can kidshealth help me with my homework?

    Kidshealth is a reliable source of information for health-related topics, but it is not meant to be a replacement for school assignments. Make sure to check with your teacher to see which sources are acceptable for homework.

  • How can I find out more about a specific health condition or topic?

    You can use the search bar on the kidshealth website to find more information on a specific topic. You can also click on the "More on This Topic" section at the end of each article for related articles and resources.

  • Can I trust the information on other health websites?

    Not all health websites are created equal, and it's important to make sure you're using reputable and reliable sources. If you're not sure about the information you find on a website, check with your parents or a trusted adult.

  • Can kidshealth help me with my mental health?

    Kidshealth covers a wide range of mental health topics, but it is not a replacement for professional medical advice. If you're struggling with mental health issues, make sure to talk to a trusted adult and seek help from a therapist or counselor.


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