Fivethirtyeight FAQ

Here we have gathered the most common questions about Fivethirtyeight.

Hopefully the answer to your question is here.

Common FAQ for Fivethirtyeight

  • What is fivethirtyeight?

    FiveThirtyEight is a popular data-driven journalism website that focuses on politics, sports, economics, and culture.

  • How can I contact fivethirtyeight for support?

    You can contact FiveThirtyEight's support team by filling out a form on their website or by sending an email to

  • Why am I seeing an error when trying to load a page on fivethirtyeight?

    This could be due to a temporary issue with the website or a problem with your internet connection. Try refreshing the page or checking your internet connection before contacting support.

  • How often is the data on fivethirtyeight updated?

    The frequency of data updates varies depending on the topic, but most data is updated daily or weekly.

  • Why am I unable to access a specific article on fivethirtyeight?

    The article you are trying to access may be restricted to subscribers only. You can subscribe to FiveThirtyEight to access all their content.

  • Can I use the data on fivethirtyeight for my own research?

    Yes, you can use the data from FiveThirtyEight for non-commercial purposes as long as you properly attribute it to the source.

  • How accurate is the data on fivethirtyeight?

    FiveThirtyEight aims to provide accurate and reliable data, but errors can occur. They encourage readers to report any errors they find.

  • Why do some articles on fivethirtyeight require a subscription to read?

    Subscriptions help support the work of FiveThirtyEight and allow them to continue providing high-quality journalism.

  • Is there a mobile app for fivethirtyeight?

    Yes, FiveThirtyEight has a mobile app available for iOS and Android devices.

  • How do I sign up for a subscriber account on fivethirtyeight?

    To sign up for a subscriber account, go to, click on the "Subscribe" button, and follow the instructions.

  • How can I cancel my fivethirtyeight subscription?

    To cancel your subscription, go to your account settings on and follow the steps to cancel.

  • Can I access old articles on fivethirtyeight?

    Yes, all articles on fivethirtyeight are archived and can be accessed by navigating to the "Archive" section on their website.

  • Why am I seeing a "404 Not Found" error on fivethirtyeight?

    This error could occur if the page you are trying to access no longer exists or if there is a broken link on the website. Please report this error to the support team.

  • Is fivethirtyeight biased?

    FiveThirtyEight is dedicated to providing objective and data-driven journalism. However, like any news outlet, they may have their own perspectives and opinions.

  • How do I search for specific content on fivethirtyeight?

    You can use the search bar on the top right corner of the website to search for specific articles, topics, or keywords.

  • Can I comment on articles on fivethirtyeight?

    No, comments are not allowed on FiveThirtyEight articles.

  • How can I report a technical issue on fivethirtyeight?

    If you encounter a technical issue on the website, please email with a detailed description of the problem.

  • Does fivethirtyeight have a social media presence?

    Yes, you can follow FiveThirtyEight on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for updates and content.

  • Why am I seeing ads on fivethirtyeight?

    FiveThirtyEight relies on advertising revenue to fund their operations and continue providing free content. You can opt-out of personalized ads by adjusting your ad preferences in your browser settings.

  • Can I contribute to fivethirtyeight?

    FiveThirtyEight publishes work from a diverse range of contributors, but they do not accept unsolicited pitches or submissions.

  • How can I get updates from fivethirtyeight?

    You can sign up for their email newsletter or follow them on social media to get updates on new articles and content.

  • Is fivethirtyeight accessible for people with disabilities?

    FiveThirtyEight aims to make their website accessible to all users. If you encounter any accessibility issues, please email to report them.

  • How do I find the author of a specific article on fivethirtyeight?

    The author's name is usually listed at the top of the article. You can also click on their name to view their author page, which includes all their published articles on the site.

  • Why am I seeing a "Connection Timed Out" error on fivethirtyeight?

    This could be due to heavy traffic on the website or a temporary issue with your internet connection. Try refreshing the page or accessing the website at a later time.

  • Can I share articles from fivethirtyeight?

    You can share articles from FiveThirtyEight using the share buttons located at the bottom of each article. However, please note that their content is protected by copyright laws.

  • How do I become a contributor for fivethirtyeight?

    FiveThirtyEight does not accept unsolicited contributions, but you can send a pitch to their editorial team by emailing


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