Cloudinary FAQ

Here we have gathered the most common questions about Cloudinary.

Hopefully the answer to your question is here.

Common FAQ for Cloudinary

  • How can I store my images and videos in an online storage platform?

    You can utilize a service that offers cloud storage solutions, where you can upload and access your media files from anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Is there a limit to the amount of media files that can be stored in the cloud service?

    Most cloud storage providers have different plans and pricing options to accommodate different storage needs. You can choose a plan that suits your storage requirements.

  • How can I share my media files with others using the cloud platform?

    Once your files are uploaded to the cloud platform, you can easily generate sharable links or embed codes to share with others. This way, they can access the files without having to download or store it on their own devices.

  • How much free storage does Cloudinary offer?

    The free storage for Cloudinary includes 25 GB of managed storage and 25 GB of monthly bandwidth. The free plan also provides up to 300,000 transformations per month and includes various features like responsive image delivery and basic media management. If you exceed these limits, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan or optimize your usage.

  • What is Cloudinary?

    Cloudinary is a cloud-based service that provides an end-to-end image and video management solution including uploading, storage, manipulation, optimization, and delivery. For more information, visit Cloudinary Documentation.

  • How do I get started with Cloudinary?

    To get started with Cloudinary, create an account on our website. Once your account is set up, you can start uploading and managing media files through our intuitive dashboard or APIs. For detailed instructions, please visit the Getting Started guide.

  • What are the common use cases for Cloudinary?

    Cloudinary is used for a wide range of purposes including image and video uploading, cloud storage, on-the-fly resizing, and optimization, as well as robust media delivery across various devices and platforms. Check out our Use Cases for more details.

  • How can I integrate Cloudinary with my application?

    Cloudinary offers a variety of SDKs and APIs that allow for seamless integration with different programming languages and frameworks. For more information on how to integrate Cloudinary with your application, visit our Integrations page.

  • Where can I find Cloudinary API documentation?

    You can find comprehensive API documentation, including reference guides and tutorials, on the Cloudinary Documentation page. This will help you leverage all the features Cloudinary has to offer.


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