Apoteket FAQ

Here we have gathered the most common questions about Apoteket.

Hopefully the answer to your question is here.

Common FAQ for Apoteket

  • What is Apoteket?

    Apoteket is a Swedish pharmacy chain that provides prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication.

  • How can I find an Apoteket store near me?

    You can use the store locator feature on Apoteket's website or mobile app to find the nearest store to your location.

  • Can I order medication from Apoteket online?

    Yes, you can purchase prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication through Apoteket's website or mobile app.

  • Why is my medication not available at Apoteket?

    Apoteket may not have a certain medication in stock due to manufacturing or supply issues. You can check back later or ask the staff to order it for you.

  • How can I cancel my online order from Apoteket?

    You can cancel your order by contacting Apoteket's customer service or by logging into your account on the website or app.

  • What should I do if I receive the wrong medication from Apoteket?

    Contact Apoteket's customer service immediately to report the error and they will assist you in getting the correct medication.

  • Can I return medication to Apoteket?

    No, due to safety and legal regulations, Apoteket does not accept returns of prescription medication or over-the-counter medication that has been opened.

  • What payment methods does Apoteket accept?

    Apoteket accepts payments by card (VISA, MasterCard, Maestro), Swish, and Klarna invoice.

  • How long does it take for my online order to arrive?

    Depending on your location and selected delivery option, it can take 1-6 days for your order to arrive.

  • Why am I unable to log into my Apoteket account?

    Check that you are using the correct login information and that your internet connection is stable. If the problem persists, contact Apoteket's customer service.

  • What should I do if I accidentally double-dosed on my medication?

    If you have taken more than the prescribed dose, contact your doctor or seek medical attention immediately.

  • Can I get a refund for my order if I change my mind?

    No, Apoteket does not offer refunds for online orders unless there was an error with your order or the medication received was incorrect.

  • Why am I getting an error message when trying to place an order?

    Check that you have entered all required information correctly and that the items in your cart are available for purchase. If the problem persists, contact Apoteket's customer service.

  • Does Apoteket offer home delivery?

    Yes, Apoteket offers home delivery for a fee. You can select this option during checkout or contact their customer service for more information.

  • How can I view my past orders from Apoteket?

    You can view past orders by logging into your account on Apoteket's website or mobile app and accessing the order history section.

  • What should I do if I experience side effects from my medication?

    Stop taking the medication immediately and contact your doctor for further advice.

  • Can I purchase prescription medication without a prescription at Apoteket?

    No, you need a valid prescription from a doctor to purchase prescription medication at Apoteket.

  • Why am I being asked to provide my personal information when ordering medication?

    Apoteket is legally required to collect personal information for prescription medication orders due to safety and tracking purposes.

  • Can I order medication on behalf of someone else?

    Yes, you can order medication for someone else, but you will need to provide their personal information and a valid prescription if ordering prescription drugs.

  • What should I do if my medication is expired?

    Do not use expired medication and dispose of it properly. You can bring it to any Apoteket store for safe disposal.

  • How can I make a complaint or give feedback to Apoteket?

    You can fill out a form on Apoteket's website or contact their customer service to make a complaint or give feedback.

  • Why is my medication not covered by insurance?

    Your insurance coverage may vary depending on the type of medication and your insurance plan. You can contact your insurance provider for more information.

  • Can I get a refill on my prescription at Apoteket?

    Yes, you can refill your prescription at any Apoteket store or by using their online or app services. You will need a valid prescription for prescription medication.

  • How can I get a copy of my prescription from Apoteket?

    You can request a copy of your prescription by contacting Apoteket's customer service or by visiting any Apoteket store.

  • Why is my medication label in Swedish?

    Apoteket is a Swedish pharmacy chain, so all medication labels are in Swedish. However, the staff can provide instructions or translations if needed.

  • Can I request a specific brand of medication at Apoteket?

    Apoteket may not always carry a specific brand of medication, but you can inquire with the staff or request for them to order it for you.

  • How can I report a suspected counterfeit medication from Apoteket?

    Contact Apoteket's customer service immediately to report the issue. You can also report it to the Medical Products Agency using their online form: https://lakemedelsverket.se/organisationsstruktur/hang-med-i-lakemedelsutredningen/rapportera-misstankta-kopior.


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