911 FAQ

Here we have gathered the most common questions about 911.

Hopefully the answer to your question is here.

Common FAQ for 911

  • What happens when I call 911?

    When you call 911, your call will be directed to an emergency dispatcher who will ask you questions to determine the type and severity of the emergency. They will then send the appropriate help to your location.

  • Do I have to pay for calling 911?

    No, calling 911 is a free service provided by the government. However, if an ambulance is dispatched to your location, you may receive a bill for their services.

  • Can I use 911 for non-emergency situations?

    No, 911 should only be used for serious emergencies that require immediate assistance from the police, fire department, or ambulance service. For non-emergency situations, you can look up the non-urgent contact number for your local emergency services.


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